
Note: Use the WIKI for latest informationen!

The robot requires a clock, so that it can start mowing automatically at certain time intervals (timer).

A realtime clock (RTC) returns current time (minute, hour) and date (day of week, day, month, year) - by the help of a battery the time continues to run even if the robot mower is switched off.

Example: DS1307

ds1307     ds1307 schematics

The RTC module is connected on the I2C bus of the Arduino Mega (in parallel with any other I2C modules).

DS1307 Module SDA — Arduino SDA Pin
DS1307 Module SCL — Arduino SCL Pin
DS1307 Module VCC (+5V) — Arduino VCC (+5V)
DS1307 Module GND — Arduino GND

If you experience communication problems when using multiple I2C modules on one I2C bus, it is recommended to reduce the length of the cables.

On the robot, several timers can be programmed (via Android pfodApp). For each timer, you can define a time interval and the desired days.


Timer 1: 08:00 - 13:00  Monday, Thuesday, Wednesday
Timer 2: 14:00 - 16:00  every day
Timer 3: off
Timer 4: off


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